Friday, June 11, 2021

Robotics and Programming Intensive Course


1         Robotics and Programming Intensive Course

This intensive course combines the knowledge of programming, electronics & physics theories behind the electronic sensors (Infrared & Ultrasonic waves) in order to build Arduino Remote Control Robot (RC Robot) based on Arduino Microcontroller and other electronic boards (i.e. Infrared sensor, Ultrasonic senor and L298 Dual Motor Driver Module).

This course is project based; in each project we will discover new electronic elements and new programming concept, the course will start with introduction to the Arduino microcontroller and installing the programming environment on the student laptops.

The projects designed to allow student to accumulate the required programming / electronic / physics knowledge to be able to build the RC Robot in the last project. Below is the high level definition of each project and timeline.  

By the end of this course students will have the basis which will allow them to design /program new Arduino projects including the robotics.

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